Need Help With Google Places - Call 310-910-1848

It is all here. Everything I know about Google Places. I will also be bringing you articles about what other people know about Google Places. There are videos to help you. We will direct you to other sites or videos if we think that will be even better.

But, just to be clear. Some of the secret to success has to do with writing skill, practice, analytical capabilities, marketing techniques, and internet savvy. If you would like to turn the work over to a pro, call me. I answer the phone. We can discuss your needs. 310-910-1848

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ten Tips to Quickly Set Up Google Places

You take one look at this blog and your already exhausted just thinking about how much work it will be to truly optimize your Google Places listing.  Just filling out the form for the basic set up of Google Places is enough to make some people wish for 5:00 to show up.  So, can I give you some basic, quick help for Google Places that will at least take care of the obvious and maybe get me on the outside MAP in easy cities for easy keywords.   Here's that list:

1.  Use the real name of your company.  Add one or two keywords if your company name has no keywords in it.  (eg.  Trendy is the real name and they are a women's shoe store.  Use Trendy Women's Shoes.

2.  Use your real address and make sure it is the same everywhere it appears.  Put the address on the front page of your website.

3.  Use a local phone number, not and 800 number.  Make sure it is the same number that appears on the front page of your website and elsewhere on the web.

4.  When choosing the category for your company, use one that Google suggests for the top category.  For the other four, use Google suggestions or make up your own.

5.  Put up pictures.  The first one should be a picture that will look good as an icon, as it will appear to the left of your listing on the inside MAPS.

6.  Put up videos.  They will help to make Google Happy.  Use any video about what you do.  Does not have to be a video you produced.

7.  Use the additional information boxes at the bottom of the listing form.  You can use links in these boxes to your blog, facebook, etc.

8.  Create a Coupon.  Can't hurt.  Might actually get some sales from them

9.  Set up your business in a New Google Account.  Don't put it in your personal Google Account, another business Google Account, or a 3rd party vendor's Google Account.

10.  Get reviews.  Lots of them.  Ask friends, family, and your best customers to review you.

Bonus.  If you want this done right, either read and completely follow the instructions elsewhere on this blog or hire a pro to do it for you.  In fact, hire us.  310-910-1848.  Ask for Randy

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