Need Help With Google Places - Call 310-910-1848

It is all here. Everything I know about Google Places. I will also be bringing you articles about what other people know about Google Places. There are videos to help you. We will direct you to other sites or videos if we think that will be even better.

But, just to be clear. Some of the secret to success has to do with writing skill, practice, analytical capabilities, marketing techniques, and internet savvy. If you would like to turn the work over to a pro, call me. I answer the phone. We can discuss your needs. 310-910-1848

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Google Places Help Forum Actually HELPS!

In the past, a trip to the Google Local Business Center Help Forums gave help like trying to was away mud with more mud.  Can't say that I was never helped, but after going there for help 3 or 4 times, I gave up.

I am happy to say that after a name change to Google Places, the forum has looked to have second thoughts with its views on the forum.  Now we'll see experts who are answering our hard thought questions, and they're help actually helps.

But before we move farther forward, we need to get one thing straight.  They will NOT give you gray hat approaches.  Trust me, you'll still be coming here for that.  I will never give you black hat, and just about all my work is white hat, but hints of gray are part of this internet game. 

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