Need Help With Google Places - Call 310-910-1848

It is all here. Everything I know about Google Places. I will also be bringing you articles about what other people know about Google Places. There are videos to help you. We will direct you to other sites or videos if we think that will be even better.

But, just to be clear. Some of the secret to success has to do with writing skill, practice, analytical capabilities, marketing techniques, and internet savvy. If you would like to turn the work over to a pro, call me. I answer the phone. We can discuss your needs. 310-910-1848

Friday, June 11, 2010

Google Places: "Owner Content Will Get Priority"

The new Google Places Help Forum is not yet at its full potential, but it's definitely improved.  A Google employee released that the company does buy information from other companies, including  Because they buy that information, there's an opportunity for competing information.  This competing information will even include the key elements such as your name, address, and phone number.

A client of mine doesn't like her picture that is included with her Places listing.  This picture was taken from CitySearch.  There's no telling how they got the photo, but you get the point.  The Google Places Rep said that they will go as far as to call a business to establish what information is correct when there is conflict.  I would love to receive news of that actually happening.

The key element to be taken from the forum post:  Information, pictures, and videos supplied by the owner will always be preferred to info coming from other sources, including the paid ones.  This is why there is so much importance that you claim your Google Places listing and keep it fresh.

Update - I am beginning to see situations where owner information is NOT showing up in listings, but citations from other resources are seemingly getting priority.  What are others seeing?  Please comment.

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